Monday, September 9, 2019

Group Work on an Ammonia Reactor Project Personal Statement

Group Work on an Ammonia Reactor Project - Personal Statement Example I would like to start by reflecting on the things we have done well. Our communication system is clear and open and there is a mutual understanding among all members of the group. The group leader coordinates and controls the communication system but all members of the group are given the opportunity to freely air their views. There are consensus and mutual understanding in as far as the division of responsibilities is concerned. Consultations among all members are carried before tasks are assigned to individuals. We realized that this strategy is very effective in minimizing conflicts among the members which can be counterproductive. We treat all completed work for this project as shared responsibility whereby we do not seek to blame anyone should we get something wrong. As a group, we managed to influence all members to develop a positive sense towards the seat goals of the project.However, there are certain things we have done badly in our project. The main problem we have so far encountered is related to documentation of results from the experiments carried. At times these are not recorded on time which often results in wrong figures being recorded. This was mainly attributed to the fact that some members of the group did not like to work as a team since they wanted to do their own things separately. We also encountered some difficulties in coordinating the efforts of all the members towards the same goal since we often failed to meet deadlines to fulfill certain tasks. Some of the tasks required collective responsibilities but some members failed to meet the time for the meetings. Some members were not very good at keeping time which resulted in us failing to meet some of the deadlines.  

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