Monday, September 23, 2019

Crew Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Crew Resource Management - Essay Example This is done for the purpose of problem solving and for efficient decision making. In the same context, the interpersonal skills refer to the behaviours, communication skills and activities which occasionally or frequently relate to the technical attributes. Moreover, these are limited to the multi crew equipment or aircraft, when spoken in terms of aviation. They are also in relation with the single operator aircraft and equipments as they have to communicate with other crafts invariably so that the ultimate mission is accomplished (O'Connor, 2008). The recruitment and training under crew resource management has been developed and introduced by the organizations involved in aviation business. These include military aviation and major airlines. Hence, the crew resource management recruitment and training and has been made mandatory all over the world. It is mandated for commercial pilots and military pilots as well. Discussion The importance of crew resource management is mentioned i n many researches and has been attributed for preventing numerous events in the past. This system is well designed and properly monitored throughout organizations. The health care system owes a great deal to the crew resource management as numerous flights require paramedical staff for coping with medical mishaps (Morey, 2003). History of crew resource management The cabin and flight crew in the present world are significantly different from the ones that existed in the commercial aviation business years back. In those days the captain of an airplane was always considered the right one and his decisions were never questioned. Other pilots on the aircraft never doubted the decision making abilities of the... The main focus of this paper was to learn and document the different aspects of crew resource management. The assignment also focuses on discussing the different crucial elements of this system and its implementation health care system. Special attention has been given to the implications of this system in paramedical practice in aviation system. The elements of communication, assertion, teamwork, leadership and decision making are not only important in the prevention of human errors in the cockpit but also in the reduction of medical conditions. These medical conditions can be life-threatening. Hence, the role of a paramedical practitioner is very important in the aviation system. The in-depth understanding of crew resource management and its implementation in regular practice is important for all the health care workers. This report makes a conclusion that communication plays an important role in the encouragement of multiculturalism, authority and teamwork. It enhances the main objectives of crew resource management such as self awareness, situational awareness, assertiveness, leadership skills, innovation, flexibility, assertiveness, decision making, event management, adaptability and mission analysis. Communication is also involved in the analysis of the disagreements between situations and events. The communication strategy can be implemented by teaching team members how to listen to each other, talk to each other, acknowledge feelings and be assertive. The administration has to take part in this regard

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