Monday, October 7, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Teaching Philosophy Statement - Essay Example Due to this, I believe that education should be handled specifically and not generally. This does not necessarily mean that each student should have his or her own teacher, but it simply means that each student should be given attention by the teacher individually depending on their learning capability. I believe that my duty as a teacher entails steering my students on how to gain education by guiding them on how to be knowledgeable by emphasizing that the only way they will be triumphant in their school life is if they accept that the teacher will only guide them through their education and he or she is not he actual source of education. In order to gain knowledge, students need to acquire information through research and practicing what they have learnt. The young generation is the hope for a better tomorrow. Due to this, I believe that rectifying past mistakes in education will see to it that everyone has a better future. Perspectives in the past where teachers are viewed as authority figures should not exist anymore. I aim at creating a personal relationship with my students, where they will view me as a friend who is there to guide them into a bright future. This relationship will ensure that students aim at excelling in their school work in order to have a successful future and not as a result of the punishment they expect from me if the do not. One major function of education is to promote peace and harmony. I believe that as a teacher, I should promote unity and understanding among my students. This means that I will ensure that all my students have tolerance with each other irrespective of ones ethnicity, nationality, gender and race. I will do this by using methods such as group assignments. I will give my students group assignments which must be done as a group. I will ensure that these groups are composed of students from different backgrounds, hence embrace diversity. This will be a vital

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